Homemade Jello Popsicles

We made a lot of juice pops on our vacation last week.  We came home to temps almost 20 degrees higher and decided we would keep up the practice.    We didn’t have any juice here but I had jello that I had bought dirt cheap on clearance.  Here’s the recipe for homemade Jello popsicles.

  • 3 oz. box of Jello
  • 1 cup boiling water
  • 1 cup cold water
  • 1 tbsp. sugar

1. Bring one cup of water to a boil.

2. Add in the gelatin mix, and stir until all of the sugar has dissolved.

3. Stir in one cup cold water.

4. Stir and pour into popsicle molds (paper cups work too) and freeze.

Yield: 4-6 popsicles (depending on size)

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